IT Mill into Partner Agreement with CodeCraft – IT Mill RIA Technology to SaaS Applications

IT Mill and CodeCraft have closed a partner agreement. With this agreement CodeCraft is authorized to  act as an independant, nonexlusive distributor and seller of IT Mill’s products and consulting services in Finland.

”We at IT Mill were convinced by CodeCraft’s expertize and burning interest in our IT Mill Toolkit technology”, Mr Ville Ingman, IT Mill technical sales manager describes. ”There are hundreds of software companies in Northern Finland. To have local presence always helps” he continues.

IT Mill into Partner Agreement with CodeCraft – IT Mill RIA Technology to SaaS Applications Read More »


Openmind, a forward-looking international conference focusing on openness in business, technology and innovation, is held annually in Finland, the birthplace of Linux. Openmind is an open forum for 200 open source professionals, community members and academics.

The conference opens new horizons to software business and discusses the topical issues related to open source business and technology.

Openmind will be held on September 30th 2009 in Tampere in association with the MindTrek conference.

Openmind Read More »

Summercode 2009

2009 Summercoders

Tanu Kaskinen: D-Bus Interface for PulseAudio
Akseli Mantila: Banshee shoutcast/streamtuner
Riku Salminen: XCB and OpenGL 3.0

2009 finalist are here!

Tanu Kaskinen
Jussi Kekäläinen
Akseli Mantila
Riku Salminen
Kimmo Virtanen

2009 application period has started!

More info in the FAQ section. Application period ends on 2.3.2009 00:00.

Summercode 2009 Read More »


FOSDEM eli Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting on vuodesta 2001 asti pidetty vuosittainen kaksipäiväinen vapaiden ja avoimen lähdekoodin sovellusten kehittäjien konferenssi. Tapahtumaan on vapaa pääsy.



FOSDEM ’09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


FOSDEM ’09 Read More »

ICT-Werstas: Suuret medianäytöt ja niiden tarjoamat mahdollisuudet

Millaisia mahdollisuuksia isot medianäytöt tarjoavat bisnekselle,
palveluille ja kaupunkikulttuurille?

Helmikuun ICT-Werstaassa keynote puhujana Panu Mustonen (Ramblas
Digital) otsikkonaan ”Screens are taking over the city – How to build
them to be part of the city?”. Lisäksi Miikka Aira kertoo GoTampereen
näyttöprojektista otsikolla ”Uusi paikallisten asiakasvirtojen sähköinen
julistetyökalu”. Ohjelmassa myös paneelikeskustelu aiheen tiimoilta.

ICT-Werstas: Suuret medianäytöt ja niiden tarjoamat mahdollisuudet Read More »

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