TKK and IT Mill cooperating

The Finnish RIA (Rich Internet Application) programming education takes a leap forward, as IT Mill offers its Mill Toolkit RIA development product for the Helsinki University of Technology. The tool is based on open source and it is used in RIA user interface programming education, where the students get the task to develop an open source RIA application.

More information:
CEO Joonas Lehtinen, IT Mill, 040 503 5001,
joonas.lehtinen (at),
Professor Sasu Tarkoma, TKK, 050 384 1517, sasu.tarkoma (at)

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TKK ja IT Mill yhteistyöhön

Suomalaisen RIA-ohjelmointiosaamisen tasoa kohotetaan

Suomalainen RIA(Rich Internet Application)-ohjelmointikoulutus ottaa askeleen eteenpäin, kun pohjoismaiden ainoan RIA-ohjelmointityövälineen valmistaja, suomalainen IT Mill, tarjoaa työvälineensä Teknillisen korkeakoulun käyttöön. Tänä syksynä järjestettävä Codecamp-intensiivikurssi käyttää avoimen lähdekoodin IT Mill Toolkit -tuotetta RIA-käyttöliittymäohjelmoinnin opettamiseen.

TKK ja IT Mill yhteistyöhön Read More »

Michael ’Monty’ Widenius investing in Finnish IT Mill

Following in the footsteps of billion-dollar company MySQL    

One of the founders of MySQL and a global guru of the open source code, Widenius is investing in Finnish IT Mill. MySQL was sold to Sun Microsystems last January for one billion dollars. IT Mill is intended to be a success story built on the open source code, following the formula of Finland’s Widenius.

Michael ’Monty’ Widenius investing in Finnish IT Mill Read More »

Widenius sijoittaa IT Milliin

Toinen MySQL:n perustajista ja maailmalla mainetta niittänyt open source -guru Michael ”Monty” Widenius sijoittaa suomalaiseen RIA-työkaluja kehittävään IT Milliin. Widenius kertoo luottavansa IT Millin tulevaisuuteen, yhtiön omaavien houkuttelevien tuotteiden ja selkeän näkemyksen vuoksi. Sijoituksensa myötä Widenius siirtyy myös yrityksen johtoryhmään. Widenius uskoo avoimen lähdekoodin pystyvän 30% osuuteen Suomen ohjelmistomarkkinoilla ja näkee Suomessa olevan 10-15 potentiaalista sijoituskohdetta.

Widenius sijoittaa IT Milliin Read More »

Press release: A large amount of public procurements may be illegal in the EU

A recent study by Open Forum Europe (OFE) has shown that 25% of all the procurements published in EU’s Tenders Electronic Daily service from 1.2. to 25.4.2008 may brake legistlation. These procurement documents (34 of them) contained mentions about software brand names, which is against the law.

Read the whole press release and report

Press release: A large amount of public procurements may be illegal in the EU Read More »

Open source procurement guide open for comments

Open source procurement guide for Finnish public sector is available for comments. The guide, prepared by COSS, is intended to publish as a Public Administration Recommendation.

Recommendation draft and instructions how to send feedback are available at (only in Finnish). Please send your feedback before 10th October 2008.

Open source procurement guide open for comments Read More »

Avoimen lähdekoodin hankintaopas kommentoitavana

JHS-jaosto pyytää palautetta Suomen open source -keskus COSSin tuottamasta suositusluonnoksesta Avoimen lähdekoodin hankintaopas. Suosituksen tarkoitus on opastaa julkisen hallinnon organisaatioita avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen hankinnassa ja käyttöönotossa. Lisäksi se tarjoaa perustietoa avoimesta lähdekoodista ja sen hankintaan liittyvistä juridisista kysymyksistä.

Avoimen lähdekoodin hankintaopas kommentoitavana Read More »

Turva-Tane filtering Internet traffic

by Xetpoint Oy is utilized in filtering web traffic in province-wide
network of Northern Karelia. The solution is based on open proxy server
Squid and filter extension squidGuard. With 13 200 workstations and 17
000 users in the network, filtering unwanted traffic has a huge effect
on both usability and security of the network.

The whole case study is available only in Finnish. To read it, click the ”suomeksi” link in the top navigation.

Turva-Tane filtering Internet traffic Read More »

Linux succeeds at schools

Linux based client-server system is cost efficient and fits to the
school environment perfectly. With a centralized solution maintanance
is easy and tailored desktop for the teaching brings efficiency to the

Vitikkala school in Jämsä decided to order a Linux based client-server system to their new media and computer room.

Linux succeeds at schools Read More »

Pupesoft suits for medical wholesale trade

Open source software Pupesoft proved to be most efficient as wholesale
trader of medical eguipment, Walki Medical Oy, needed a financial
management system. Because the company wanted the system to be
integrated with its current e-marketing environment, ability to
customize the system was a key feature. The software was distributed by
Kilocode Oy.

The whole case study is available only in Finnish. To read it, click the ”suomeksi” link in the top navigation.

Further information:

Pupesoft suits for medical wholesale trade Read More »

New information systems created for learning in Kauniainen

Finnish schools in Kauniainen got rid of their IT problems by changing to Ubuntu Linux and LTSP based solution. The solution made it possible to focus on learning and enhance the use of IT in teaching, but to reduce the need of resources at the same time.

The schools bought 120 thin Linux clients and did a service contract with Opinsys Oy, who will be responsible for administrating and developing the system when needed. The system has about 1200 users overall in three schools.

New information systems created for learning in Kauniainen Read More »

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