ServOSS research project combines open source, business models for service business and globalization

ServOSS is a research project focusing on service business around new and innovative technology development. Open source creates interesting opportunities for new service business companies.

The research consists of different phases. Literature reseach for business models, market area study, case studies for companies taking part in the project.



Open source creates considerable possibilities for the new and innovative service business. ServOSS is a new research project aiming to find answers to following research questions:

1. What kind of OS service business can be international?
2. Which models for internationalizing will work , which will not?
3. How to protect your service business abroad?
4. How the relationships with communities would affect globally?

The project is funded by Tekes, IBM, Nokia and Mediamaisteri group and the coordinators and researchers are SoberIT/University of Technology and Tampere University of Technology.



ServOSS -seminar 2008

10 lessons learned in building an open source company. A view to European markets
Ignacio Correas, Warp/Ebox (pdf, 4.3Mb)

Avoimen maailman liiketoiminta
Jouko Poutanen, IBM (pdf, 610Kb)

Kansainvälistymisen haasteet OSS liiketoiminnassa
Timo Väliharju, Mediamaisteri Oy (pdf, 254Kb)

Service-based Open Source Business Models in the Chinese Market
Jing-Jing Helles, TKK (pdf, 95Kb)

Midgard & Nemein – yritys open source -projektin keskipisteessä
Henri Bergius, Nemein (pdf, 1.2Mb)
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Finland

Open Sourcen vaikutus palveluliiketoimintaan ja havaintoja Open Sourcen käytöstä kansainvälistyvässä liiketoiminnassa
Jussi Liukkonen, Cubical Solutions Oy (pdf, 243Kb)

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