World Challenge Finland 2018

03.08.2018 Koko päivä


World Challenge -kilpailussa ideoidaan esimerkiksi satelliittien ja lennokkien tuottamaa avointa dataa hyödyntäviä, kestävää kehitystä tukevia palveluita – NASAn ja ESAn teknologiaan perustuen. Samalla Suomi saa tilaisuuden tehdä näkyväksi avaruusalan osaamistaan ja toimintaympäristöään sekä houkutella ulkomaisia yrityksiä ja opiskelijoita Suomeen.

Lue lisää ja hae mukaan:

Business Finland uutinen 15.6.2018

World Challenge Finland 2018 with UN, NASA WorldWind and ESA. 

NASA & ESA provide you with a world class open source virtual globe platform, WorldWind.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to use it to help make a better world!

BUILD A WEB APP THAT WILL IMPROVE LIFE HERE ON EARTH. This World Challenge is an opportunity for students, academia and industry to deliver brilliant innovative solutions for world peace, health, ecology, education and sustainability in the spirit of the ESA and NASA mottos ‘for the benefit of all.’ The finalist teams get an all-expense paid trip to Helsinki for the climax week!

The World Challenge Criteria

Prospective teams will submit their project proposal via the World Challenge Finland 2018 website by the 3rd of August. The Europa Challenge Board will accept the project proposal or provide additional guidance for acceptance. Acceptance will be communicated to the project team via email to all team members and their mentor. Teams outside of Europe are welcome to participate! Finals are in Helsinki in the end of August, 2018.

Open Source Project: All final project submittals must use an open source license.

Project Code Release

A projects’ software code will not be made public during development. The official code release date is the 3rd of August 2018 at which time the project teams will make their code public. This can be via,, or other publicly accessible website, such as the participating University or business website.

Short Project Video

Teams must also submit a short video, no longer than 3-minutes, showing the application in action and highlighting the core functionalities; deadline August 3rd, 2018.

Project Webpage

You will need a webpage that describes your project, with some screenshots and a link to your code repository, documentation and your video; deadline 3rd of August 2018.

Project Goal

The software application may address any number of issues: conflict management, education, health, ecology, etc.

Project Evaluation Criteria

20 points – Sophistication:
Level of difficulty, number of functions, data accessibility, degree of challenge to data analysis.

20 points – Performance:
Given the amount of data being digested and viewed, in 3D and more intensely in 4D, does the performance appear effective at delivering that data? The more data being managed, the more impressive the program’s ability to deliver it, i.e., 4D > 3D alone.

20 points – User Interface:
Intuitive, efficient, allowing control over data selection, time series, etc.

20 points – Website:
Documentation sufficient and effective.

10 points – Idea:
How compelling is the application purpose? Do you see the application providing significant value to the community being served?

10 points – Outreach:
Any coordination with other University departments, outside agencies or the actual user community?

Prizes & Judges


  • Expense paid trip for top six (6) project team (two (2) person per team for teams outside Europe, three (3) persons per team for teams from Europe) and accommondation in Hotel Clarion Helsinki, the highest hotel in Finland
  • 6.000€ cash awards for top projects
  • World Challenge jackets and T-Shirts
  • Crystal Bull Award to top teams
  • ESA logo t-shirts to qualifying teams
  • UN Certificate of recognition
  • ESA Certificates (look great framed and mounted on your wall!)
  • Send your cubesat design into orbit (with Space Nation Labs), value 40k€
  • Resume gold!


  • ESA
  • United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN OICT)
  • UN Food and Agriculture Association, FAO
  • Internationally recognized GIS experts
  • European Commission Joint Research Center, JRC
  • European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (
  • Meteorological Environmental Earth Observation (




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