Tampere MeeGo Network Meetup


The first and initial meeting of the new Tampere Local MeeGo Network. We will discuss the basic stuff and plan future events and activities. If you can find a sponsor for our meetings, feel free to get one :) Anyone interested in Meego hacking is welcome to attend.


The meeting facilities are awesome (photos). We can have meetings every second week if needed. The space includes a possibility to hold bigger events also.

When you arrive at the site, the door to facilities will be locked (3rd floor). Just ring the bell and someone will open the door.

More info:

Local MeeGo Networks organize face to face meetings and other activities on the real ground. They bring what no online social network can provide: real handshakes, real kudos, real applause, real face to face chat. They are free as in beer and you might even get some real drinks for free as well!

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