18.05.2015 09:00 - 16:00
Tampere University of Technology, SB204,
Korkeakoulunkatu 10,
Are you interested in why open science and open data are important for us as researchers today – and tomorrow?
What are the opportunities and issues to address and solve related to using open data and opening up research data?
You are most welcome to join our seminar on Open Data in Ubiquitous Systems Research!
The aim of this seminar is to introduce the participants to Open Science and specifically Open Data, issues related to using open data in research and opening up research data. Open data related ethical issues, handling of data, describing the data, and creating data management plans (required by funders increasingly) are addressed, for example.
Two seminar days will be held on Monday May 18th and Friday June 5th held at Tampere University of Technology.
More info:
Seminar on Open Data in Ubiquitous Systems
Heli Väätäjä
+358 40 849 0720