Dev’s Survival Mode for API Strategy

05.02.2019 19:00
Technopolis Yliopistonrinne, Kalevantie 2, Tampere

First question: Is API Strategy just some management jargon, or is it something I as a dev or architect should really care about?

What you should actually do when your company decides to build APIs?

Where to start? What to look for?

Is it piece of cake or running in the mud?

Tales from the trenches and questions from the newbies are welcome. If you’d like to speak, sponsor or offer a space for this meetup contact the organizers. This meetup is organized by Marjukka Niinioja from Osaango and Kati Velling from Netbox.

Location TBD, will be in the center of Tampere. We’ll have Estonian visitors.

Event is organized by Osaango and Netbox. If you want to sponsor snacks or give a talk please contact Marjukka Niinioja or Kati Velling in meetup or LinkedIn.

Dev’s Survival Mode for API Strategy





Technopolis Yliopistonrinne
Kalevantie 2

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